RFP - Citywide Parking Enforcement Services


You are invited to submit proposals to provide citywide parking enforcement services within the city of Los Altos, outlined and delineated in the enclosed Scope of Work.

The city of Los Altos is requesting proposals from contractors who demonstrate that they possess the knowledge and organizational, functional, and technical capabilities to understand the needs and provide enforcement of all parking regulations for the seven commercial districts and all residential neighborhoods within the City. This scope of work will focus on parking enforcement through general, on-going, and as-needed responsibilities.

Proposals are due to the City Manager's Office before 3 PM on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

Please subscribe to the Planholder List to download the Scope of Services.


Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals

Due Date

Tue, Dec 3rd, 2024 3:00pm

Details and Notifications

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Questions for this Bid/RFP

1. The City issued 652 annual and 39 quarterly permits so far in 2024 so roughly there are 660 permits at any given time this year. 2. Monday through Saturday 7 am - 5 pm. 3. The proposers will need to identify how many staff they need to complete the scope of work. 4. The proposers will need to identify how many vehicles they need to complete the scope of work.
LAPD leverages Turbodata to provide digital citations.
The City does not have current rental rates for office space at a City facility because we have not engaged in contracted parking enforcement previously.
The City utilize encrypted police communications via Motorola radios. The City could provide this technology with a policy that requires it be returned to LAPD daily.
Parking enforcement is currently being done from a compact truck. The only equipment is one digital citation device (Turbodata), a cell phone, and chalk.
Hourly parking is done manually, no LPR technology is being utilized for this purpose.
It's handled by one Community Services Officer, who works 40 hours a week, Tues-Fri 7am-5pm. The week consists of parking enforcement rotations, parking complaints, and assisting with parking related tasks- such as installing no-parking signs. Additionally, this employee is entitled to time off that is accrued, such as vacation, so the time spent is dependent on their availability.
We'll conduct a background investigation to ensure the candidates have a satisfactory background. It's reviewed in its entirety to determine the suitability of the candidate. Felony convictions would be a disqualifier.
PD has a review process that allows tickets to be contested and ultimately reviewed by an arbitrator that is a member of the community who makes the decision on the outcome. The company would have to have a similar appeal process for their tickets to be consistent with the tickets that are being written by Police Department members.
The Police Department used to have six day a week coverage between one full time Parking CSO and two part-timers. Sunday was the only day of the week that the City did not have parking enforcement. It would be ideal to get back up to this amount of coverage. The City wants 6 days per week coverage. The City no longer has part time employees conducting parking enforcement and the City only has one full time Parking CSO that covers only 4 days, Tuesday-Friday. Most of the timed parking is between the hours of 6am and 8pm.